Bun Crash Course

Bun Crash Course

Develop, test, run, and bundle JavaScript & TypeScript projects—all with Bun.

Let's talk about something new in Web Development world which is BUN 1.0

What is Bun?

  1. A JavaScript runtime built from scratch to serve the modern JS ecosystem.

  2. Include native bundles, transpiler, task runner, and npm client.

  3. Written in the ZIG programming languages.

  4. Drop-in replacement for Node.js / Fully compatible with Node APIs.

3 Major Design Goals

  1. Speed: Faster than Node and Deno, Extends the JavaScriptCore Engine, Little Dependencies

  2. Elegant APIs: Minimal Set of highly optimized APIs for performing common tasks.

  3. Cohesive DX: Complete toolkit for both server-side and frontend.

Features and Advantages

  1. Speed and Performance

  2. Drop-in Node Compatibility

  3. Works with node_modules

  4. Native NPM Client

  5. No Module Madness

  6. Web-Standard APIs

  7. TypeScript Out of the Box

  8. JSX

  9. Watch Mode

  10. Environment Variables

  11. Integrated Bundles

  12. SQLite Database


curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash

Supported on macOS, Linux, and WSL

Now create folder Bun-Crash and open it in VS-Code, open the terminal, and run bun init and run bun run index.ts


open index.ts, write this code

const server = Bun.serve({ port:2000, fetch(req){ return new Response('Hello World from Bun'); }, }); console.log(`Listening on port ${server.port}`);

Now open the terminal and run bun run index.ts

Output on Browser: Open any browser and write localhost:2000

Watch Mode

bun --watch index.ts it is the same as Nodemon, if you change anything in the code it will show on the browser result without reloading the page.

Environment Variable

Create a new file .env and in that write PORT = 2000 and go to index.ts and change the port value to port:process.env.PORT || 8000 OR port:BUN.env.PORT || 8000

Bun Scripts

Change in package.json

"scripts": { "start" : "bun run index.ts", "dev": "bun --watch index.ts" },

Simple Routes || Basic Server API

In index.ts

const server = Bun.serve({ port: Bun.env.PORT || 8000, fetch(req){ const url = new URL(req.url); if(url.pathname === '/') return new Response("Home Page of Bun"); if(url.pathname === '/blog') return new Response("Blog of Bun"); return new Response('Sorry 404!'); }, }); console.log(`listening on port ${server.port}`);


Run the packages without installing them.

bunx cowsay Hello World Bun

Node Core Modules

In bun now you can also use Node Core Modules.

Create a modules.ts file and write the below code :

import path from 'path'
const filepath = path.join('foo','bar','image.png');
const filename = path.basename(filepath);

File I/O API

Create a new file file.ts, and write the below code:

const data = "I love JavaScript Bun";
await Bun.write('output.txt', data);

Now run bun run file.ts, now you are able to see a new file with the name output.txt created.

Now file read

Write this code:

const file = await Bun.file('output.txt');
console.log(await file.text());


In Bun now you also write testing, everything in JS in one place.

Create a new file index.test.ts, Now write the below code:

import { describe, expect, test, beforeAll } from "bun:test";
beforeAll( () => {
  // setup test

describe('math' , () => {
  test('addition', () =>{

The Bundler

We can also bundle the Typescript file using Bun. In the below code, I am getting the GitHub user profile data on the front end.

Create src folder -> create index.ts and githubAPI.ts also Install Axios

bun install axios

Inside the githubAPI.ts file write the code :

import axios from 'axios';
async function fetchUser(user){
  const res = await axios.get('https://api.github.com/users/' + user);
  return res.data
export default fetchUser;


import fetchUser from "./githubAPI";
(async () =>{
  const userData = await fetchUser('Udaichauhan284');
  document.querySelector('h1').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(userData);

Now run bun build ./src/index.ts --outfile=./dist/bundle.js

It will create a dist folder with bundle.js inside this file everything from githubAPI.ts and index.ts will be there.

Now inside the dist folder, create an index.html file


React and JSX

We can also use React and JSX with Bun.

Run in terminal bun install react react-dom This will install react and react-dom in the BUN-CRASH folder.

Now go back to the src folder and rename index.ts to index.tsx, remove the previous code, and write the following code:

import React from 'react';
import {createRoot} from 'react-dom';

const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
const App = () =>{
  const [count,setCount] = React.useState(0);
  return (
    <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    <h2>Count : {count} </h2>
    <button onclick = { () => setCount(count+1)}>Increment</button>

Now go to index.html, write below code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Github Profile</title>
  <!--<h1>Hello!</h1> -->
  <div id="root"></div>
  <script src="./bundle.js"></script>

Now in the terminal run bun build ./src/index.tsx --outfile=./dist/bundle.js --watch

Refresh the browser index.html, now you will be able to see the output.

Thank You !!! 🙏🏻

For more refer Bun Crash Course by Travery Media.